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Green Pastures Information
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Benefits of Working with Us
Find out why it's so good to work with Green Pastures! Over the last 20+ years we've built up a wealth of experience through working with many organisations (just like yours!) and this has led to loads of benefits of working with us to house the homeless.
Good Samaritans Information
Good Samaritans help support Green Pastures financially by giving £60 a year (roughly £1 per week!) to fund more changed lives. Find out more about Good Samaritans here.
Green Pastures logos
Access our logos so that you can share them on your social media and website.
Lease Information & Completion
Here we explains some of the key areas of the lease that will help you to understand the agreement we'll be entering into together.
Order Number System (ONS) Explanation
Our Order Number System allows you to request an Order Number for you to arrange with suppliers to invoice Green Pastures directly. Use this guidance to find out when you can request an Order Number and what GP will pay for.
Partner Pack
Our Partner Pack contains all the information you need to get an understanding for what Partnership entails and how it works.
Partnership Overview infographic
This infographic gives you an overview of what it means to be a Green Pastures Partner.
Partnership Process Infographic
This detailed infographic outlines our Partnership process - you'll be guided through it step-by-step by your Partnership Manager.
The Green Pastures team
Take a look at our incredible team and familiarise yourself with some of the folks that will be championing your cause throughout our partnership!