book a speaker

Stories of hope and the end of homelessness

Inspire your church, conference or community with a Green Pastures speaker at your event

Book a speaker

We have a range of speakers who can be booked for your church, conference, for media comment, or other event. We love to inspire, inform and equip your audience to make a difference and tackle homelessness.

We can offer:

• keynote speakers •
• workshops and seminars •
• testimonies and compelling stories of life change •
• training and resourcing •
• media comment and features •

Our speaking team are compelling storytellers, passionate communicators, and have years of experience working with those on the margins. We would love to come and inspire and empower your audience or community.

pastor cunninghamRory Paget-Wilkes

Just fill out your details in the form below, and we will work with you to identify the best fit for your event.

Make your enquiry

We’d love to send a speaker to your event or church, please fill in the enquiry form and a member of the team will be in touch soon.

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