For the first time this Spring, we added the new category of 'Staff and Volunteers' to our Pride Of GP Awards. There are many people consistently pouring in so much hard work and effort and we wanted to be able to recognise them. This Spring, first place went to...
For the first time this Spring, we added the new category of 'Staff and Volunteers' to our Pride Of GP Awards. There are many people consistently pouring in so much hard work and effort and we wanted to be able to recognise them. This Spring, first place went to Kinsi from Nottingham Arimathea Trust. This is what her colleague had to say about her:
"Kinsi has gone above and beyond to be able to keep our residents safe and well during covid-19 lockdown. This has included liaising with agencies such as refugee forum who provide a weekly food parcel and small amounts of cash to our residents who are destitute asylum seekers and not able to receive any income from benefits etc. Kinsi has also had an offer of all of our shared housing being able to visit a fruit and veg shop for free shopping of £10-15 a week for each house to be shared amongst an average of 3-4 residents and that is a continuing offer.
Last Saturday Kinsi, opened up the office to take donations from wilko's to the value of £1450 of cleaning materials, toiletries and unsold easter eggs, so our residents got what to them is a luxury item that they can ill afford.
Today Kinsi also secured PPE from a local provider, which was someone she graduated with in a Masters of Public Health who thought we would need things. Now when Kinsi and Jack collect food to distribute to residents on a Friday they can feel safer and more protected as they have aprons, gloves, face masks and sanitisers.
Kins is having to do so much more as we are a small team of 4 staff, 1 has no transport, 1 lives in Leicestershire and I am part of the Shielding group in week 2 of my 12 weeks of not leaving my home. This has meant much of the local work needed is being led by Kinsi because of the logistics we are facing as a small team."