Enquire now

Make a development enquiry

Thinking about buying or building houses for the homeless?
Please visit our Housing the Homeless page and submit your enquiry there.

Let’s see if we’re the right match for your project!

We would love to hear from you if your development idea fits our project profile:

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Project Essentials

Our projects work best if you already own your building or land, have extra space to build private flats, and have a start-up fund. We love projects where we can build private housing to help fund your church or community building.
Number Two Circle Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

New Build or Conversion?

If you’re thinking about converting an old church or building, these projects can be complicated and costly. Before you reach out to us, please make sure you have considered what might be possible and viable.
Number Three Circle Streamline Icon: https://streamlinehq.com

Site Requirements

If you're looking to acquire land for a project (like redeveloping a church), remember that buying the site adds a big cost. Make sure the site is big enough for your new facilities and some housing for extra funding. Do you have an option agreement to give you time for planning and due diligence?

Think we’re a good match?

We’d love to hear from you: Click continue and let us know about your project.

We'll review your project to see if it’s feasible. Our first response will be a high-level overview. If it looks promising, we’ll invite you to a video call to discuss details and provide a quote for a formal study. Our initial appraisal is free.

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